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What is FOMO (Fear of Missing out) and how to cope with it?

FOMO, an acronym for ‘Fear of Missing Out’, which got added to the Oxford dictionary in 2013, is slowly and stealthily infiltrating the lives of majority of the population in a way people are missing its hideous implications. FOMO refers to the feeling of “anxiety that a thrilling or interesting event may be happening currently elsewhere.”  It is very much part of our lexicon now and has got a deep psychological impact on the people.

In today’s competitive world, a feeling of comparison has engulfed our mind. We compare our lives with others in every aspect such as house, job, family etc. This is one of the top reasons for which we constantly keep fidgeting to reach out to our gadgets to check out what is happening in our social media circle. This comparison has taken a toll on our minds increasing the trend of a higher social media use. We have developed a feeling of ‘worry’ thinking that others are leading a better life than us. This triggers symptoms of anxiety, stress and anxiousness. In order to feed that mental anxiety we develop FOMO. People are unaware of the predicament they are heading to by giving in to this dreaded impulse every day.

Understanding FOMO

Fear of Missing Out involves a feeling of loosing something very important or big in life. Person suffering from FOMO lives under a delusion that others are leading a happier life than them. They keep on comparing their lives with other such as job, business, promotion, family or even vacation. This creates a void as well as unwarranted stress and agony in their lives.

Hence, it is very important to understand this phenomenon and take early steps to free oneself from its clutches. By realizing the underlying causes will help to get rid of FOMO.

Many studies have suggested that too much of involvement in social media is a great enhancer of FOMO. People suffering from depression compare their lives with others on social media. It is always true that people suffering from FOMO remain active on social media to a greater extent. Some of the most obvious trends in FOMO can be as following:

  1. Smartphone users experience and have a higher propensity for fear of missing out.
  2. Studies suggest that fear of missing out is associated with a lower sense of self-realization and lower satisfaction with overall life.
  3. It has been observed that mostly women and girls are prone to FOMO.

Impact of FOMO

Studies conducted on FOMO have shown that a person suffering from it jeopardizes his/her happiness level by constantly comparing with others. If it is left unattended then it can trigger extreme depression. It is always advisable to avoid social networking sites and if someone still experiences constant unhappiness then should consult a therapist.

How to Cope with FOMO?

Even if one is under the grip of FOMO, it is not difficult to unshackle from its influence with a little effort by anyone. Some of the steps to adopt to get rid of FOMO are as below:

  1. Engage with real life connection and not virtual ones in social networking site. It’s always healthy to meet your friends and family and not remain isolated.
  2. Keep a journal of all happy things in your life.
  3. Practice gratitude about all the good things in your life.
  4. Never compare with anyone because you would never know what the actual reality is behind those seemingly happy social media postings.

When to get help

FOMO is caused by excessive usage of social networking sites. But it’s a reality that each and every person irrespective of their age can experience fear of missing something at any stage of life. If you feel like missing something you can always talk to your family and friends, express your fear and concern to them.

If still this sharing of emotions does not help you to get rid of FOMO always speak to a therapist. If you or a loved one is experiencing emotional turmoil contact Mind Health Network. You can call our 24/7 helpline number  today to get more information about a mental health treatment center near you. You can also chat with our admission consultants to learn more about treatment plans and our network of mental health centers.


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