Children mental health are of great concern. The impact of domestic violence on children plays an important role in the well-being and development of the child. A child who had witnessed the incident of domestic violence get injured mentally. Children who suffer from domestic violence in the family often feel guilty, depressed, develop anxiety, stress and live under constantly fear .
What Are The Physical Symptoms?
Generally, children who suffer from domestic violence in the family may experience various physical symptoms as well as emotional and behavioral distress. These children may complain of general aches such as headaches and abdominal pain. Irregular and irritating bowels, cold sores and urinary problems in bed. These complaints are related to children’s depression, which is a common emotional impact of domestic violence. As mentioned above, in addition to these general discomforts, children who witness domestic violence may also become nervous, filled with anxiety and would always require attention. These children have some of the same symptoms as children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). Instead, these children will show symptoms of constant fatigue and exhaustion. They can sleep at school because they cannot sleep at home. Children who suffer from domestic violence often get sick and may suffer from poor personal hygiene, remain isolated and prone to high-risk of suicide.
Children who have suffered domestic violence at home should be screened for any physical injury. It is important to note the symptoms for any physical changes like in eating habits, sleeping patterns or bowel function. These symptoms can be judge by professionals.
What Are The Behavioural Symptoms?
Children who suffer from domestic violence may experience behavioral problems such as disgust, anger, uncontrollable behavior, and imitation behavior. Children can view abuse as an acceptable act and become a victim or abuser. Some warning signs include urinary incontinence, nightmares, distrust of adults, violent behavior, bonding problems with others, and withdrawal from close friends and family. Another behavioral response to domestic violence may be to let the child lie to avoid a situation or confrontation. They often adopt a cautious and restrained attitude towards their families and may feel ashamed of their family situation. Teenagers don’t like to invite friends and spend leisure time outdoors. Rejection and aggression becomes primary for them. Young people respond to domestic violence by accusing others, experiencing violence in interpersonal relationships, or running away from home.
What Are The Emotional Symptoms?
They remain isolated, devoid of love and care. They experience grief, shame and develop distrust for everyone. As a result all their future relationship face adversity. They become violent for their partner. They lack concentration. Can easily get angry and violent at any adverse circumstances. They isolate themselves socially. Feeling of low self-esteem and unworthiness imbibe deep in their mind. Depression is quite common symptom for them. They feel helpless and powerless but at the same time they become very defensive they develop aggression and hostility. They tend to mature soon but fail to sustain relationships.
They can develop Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and it’s symptoms include nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, increased awareness of the environment, inattention, and physical symptoms. Abuse in relationships with caregivers can lead to complex PTSD.
What Are The Social Symptoms?
Children who are abused at home often lack the safety and protection of the family. Children become insensitive and develop aggressive behavior, cannot handle anger well, have poor problem-solving skills, and learn to build exploitative relationships. This includes isolating relatives and friends. Adolescents can show these symptoms by joining a gang or establishing relationships that mimic learning behaviors.
How To Help Children Who have Witnessed Domestic Violence?
Early intervention is the key. These children need love, care and support to revive. There is need to imbibe discipline in these children and make them realize that violence is not the way to maintain any relationship. A psychiatrist counseling becomes very important for such children to come out of the trauma.
Sometimes, if the emotional pain is too severe for you to understand, the therapist can help. There is nothing wrong with this approach. Sometimes these painful events in life are too big for a person. These traumatized, painful events in the body and mind can become frightening and overwhelming. You may need to learn self-control and restraint first. You can always speak to a therapist to come out of these mental pain via effective treatment. Please contact Mind Health Network. You can call our 24/7 help at to get more information about a psychiatric center near you. You can also chat with our admissions consultants to learn more about treatment plans and our network of mental health centers.