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Quality of life for chronic psychiatric illnesses and home care

Mental health covers a variety of diseases, such as depression, anxiety, stress, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and BDD. People with mental health problems will be negatively affected by all aspects of life, such as: Social life, work field, education, interpersonal relationship. Eating disorders, isolation, insomnia, alcoholism, drug use, and records of suicidal thoughts in chronic mental illnesses all have ironic effects on the quality of life of patients and caregivers.

How Life of People Suffering From Mental Illness Gets Impacted 

A persistent feeling of inferiority, sadness, depression and lack of self-esteem. Depressing thoughts run through the mind and affect the ability to concentrate.  Excessive fear or anxiety, or extreme remorse, internal and humiliation. Frequent Mood swings, to feel depressed majority of times than feeling happy. Feeling of being rejected by friends, society or relatives. Feeling isolated on your head. Feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion, lack of energy, lack of sleep, or extreme drowsiness. Never accept reality and always live in fantasy, hallucination or delusion. Not being able to cope with the stress and anxiety of daily life. Constantly feel pressure. Self-isolation, unable to understand the surrounding situation or the people around; cause relationship problems. Adapt to alcohol and drug abuse. Libido or sexual desire changes over time. Unable to cope with education or work. Feeling frustrated or depressed all the time.

How Does Mental Illness Of A Person Can Affect Family Members or Caregiver?

A person’s mental health problems can bring trauma, pain and even financial pressure to the family. Many studies have shown that nearly 50% of family members have social problems, but mainly psychological and emotional happiness. -The nature of relatives is essentially ignored. Family members or caregivers of people with mental illness or severe illness can experience anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health problems. This is mainly because family members or caregivers are always under great pressure and pressure. Dealing with stress will produce many different types of responses, such as: B. Physical problems (migraine, fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia), emotional problems, stress, anxiety, anxiety, inner feelings, anger, confusion, cognitive and behavioral problems.

How to help Yourself or Caregiver? When To Speak To a Therapist?

In terms of mental health, please always be kind to yourself or your caregiver. Caring does not always mean responsibility, and personal care is also important when it comes to emotional issues. Sometimes, talking to an unbiased person, a licensed therapist or psychotherapist can really give you an understanding of your emotional problems and show you the right way to cope or get rid of emotions. Correct diagnosis and treatment can solve this problem. Your stress, anxiety and depression can get resolved. Treatment can help caregivers to cope with their own mental health. Usually family members or friends have strong opinions on the treatment process, which may put a burden on the caregiver.

Taking care of yourself, especially your own emotional needs, is very important, because when the caregiver’s energy is exhausted, it becomes difficult to take care of the patient. The caretaker can pause for a while and ask for help to share the responsibility.

When To Seek Help From A Therapist?

Care taking is a challenge. A care taker have a lot of expectations and responsibilities on them, that is difficult to share with others, but it is important to give priority to sharing thoughts, stress and emotions. Asking for help can prevent emotional exhaustion. It is important to find emotional support. Talking to your family, close friends, spiritual leader or therapist can alleviate this burden.

If you or a loved one has a mental health problem, please contact Mind Health Network. You can call our 24/7 Mental Health Service at to get more information about a psychiatric center near you. You can also chat with our admissions consultants to learn more about treatment plans and our network of mental health centers.


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