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Practicing minimalist lifestyle to reduce stress

A minimalistic lifestyle refers to a lifestyle with the least clutter possible. However, clutter does not refer to only physical things; it refers to thoughts also. The concepts of minimalism include gratitude, simplicity, and lack of clutter, both in the mind and the house. Incorporating a minimalistic lifestyle means being grateful for what you have, not overpromising, buying only things needed, and letting go.

Experts believe that de-cluttering and following a minimalistic lifestyle can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Here, we list how a minimalistic lifestyle can be incorporated to reduce stress.

Reduces stress: Following a minimalistic lifestyle can help you save money, time and effort. An availability of all these three things significantly reduces stress and improves life. The money saved can be used to buy things actually needed or save for the rainy day. The time and effort saved can be used to do things that you want to do.

Another point to notice here is the tendency to hoard, which affects 2 to 6 percent of the American population. For the others, they simply do not know what to do with all the extra stuff they have. If all this extra stuff can be managed, then life becomes easier to handle. Or a minimalistic lifestyle is followed and all this extra stuff is not there, then also it makes life easier, improving mental health.

Improves time management: A minimalistic approach can help you focus more on the non-materialistic aspects of life. These include relationships, hobbies, and for some people, faith.  When your energies are focused on something that you are passionate about, you automatically feel less stressed, more relaxed, and are able to enjoy life.

Improves focus: When your mind is not occupied with clutter, you are able to clarify your vision, define your goals, and focus your energies on it. This leaves you less stressed. Extra things and thoughts in your life create unnecessary noise that can be removed by following the minimalistic lifestyle.

Easier said than done, right? Wrong. Just follow these basic thumb rules and you will find it easier to incorporate the minimalistic lifestyle.

Learn to say No: Sometimes, people end up storing things on other people’s behalf because they do not want to upset the other person. This is not required. It is all right to say ‘No’.

Question yourself: Before making the next purchase question yourself if you really need it? How were you surviving without it till now? If you purchase this, will it make your life easier? Or do you want to buy it only because others have it and it is a kind of a status symbol or the ‘in’ thing? Go ahead and make that purchase only if you really need it.

Research you purchase: Once you have decided that you need something, check the stores to see if a better, more useful product is available. Sometimes, multi-use products can be easily found in the market compared to single use products. In the long run, such products turn out to be more practical than the product you are planning to buy.

Can a minimalist lifestyle actually contribute to reducing stress?

Science says it can. Scientists from the Princeton University studied the effect clutter has on your daily lives. The researchers concluded that the presence of multiple visual stimuli confuse the brain disturbing the calm of the brain. Multiple visual stimuli overwhelm the limited processing capacity of the visual system. Therefore, practicing a minimalistic lifestyle can help reduce these stimuli furthering calmness and mitigating mood swings.

If the above steps do not help you to reduce the stress in your life, then you need to seek professional help. Sometimes, the stress can be a result of some deeper underlying reason, like depression or anxiety, yet to be discovered. Professional mental health help can help diagnose the problem so that the right intervention can be sought at the right time.

If you or a loved one is facing any such issue and is looking for a reliable behavioral health center, get in touch with Mind Health Network. We have collaborated with multiple residential mental health centers that offer comprehensive evidence-based mental health recovery plans for patients dealing with mental health disorders. Call our 24/7 mental health helpline and speak with a representative to understand the options to achieve a better mental health. You can also chat online with our experts who can guide you about the services offered at our partner treatment centers.


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