The concept of addiction is a bit complicated. Some use substances or alcohol to get a kick, while others may use it just to feel normal. For some, substances could be a way to calm the inner turmoil, a self-proclaimed effective manner to alleviate levels of psychological stress. Anyone can get dependent on anything.
It is hard to point out as to what causes some people to be more dependent than others. While the potential addiction risk factors may be myriad, determinants including family background, genetic variants, personality traits, mental health condition and environmental elements usually have a role to play and may be responsible for increased tendency toward dependence.
Studies have found the following types of people are more inclined to misuse illicit substances.
Young men: No single reason can be attributed to increasing use of substances by adolescents and young adults. The impact of curiosity coupled with easy portrayal of addictive habits may be seen as the factors making the younger generation willing to try illicit substances. This coupled with existing social scenarios involving drinking and smoking habits, inclination to self-medicate for some underlying psychological problem or to manifest their stand against a particular issue may raise the risk of the younger generation willing to try using addictive substances.
Consuming substances like drugs and alcohol prior to complete development of the brain heightens the possibility of life-long addiction to alcohol and drugs. As per the details provided by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), young people who adopt drinking habits before they turn 15 years of age are five times at a greater likelihood to abuse alcohol or get dependent on its use when compared to those who had first used alcohol when they turned 21 years or more.
Children from drug abusing families: Families have a huge role in the way children behave. Same is the case of drug or alcohol dependence. Statistics by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reveal that the potential risk of addiction increases for children coming from families where substance use is common. This is evident from figures explaining how children of drug abusers are 45 to 49 percent more likely to abuse drugs themselves as compared to those belonging to the general population.
The numbers portray how inherited traits could lend an impact on the tendency to abuse drugs. Genetic risks along with elements characteristic of the children’s background, i.e., the kind of environment these children are subject to tremendously affects their drug using behavioral patterns.
People with mental disorders: People battling a mental disorder resort to drugs or other substances believing that its addictive properties will help them get the necessary relief. This tendency to self-medicate may contribute to frequent use of drugs or alcohol. The regularity of use of these drugs increases as psychologically distressed patients continue to use them to alleviate symptoms of the disorder they are suffering from. The use of substances increases the manifestation of symptoms encouraging further use of substances to self-medicate. In other words, the more a person uses substances, the more symptoms they see and the more substance they need to get symptomatic relief.
Sensitivity to the effects of substances: Sensitivity increases susceptibility. This is also true in the case of those who are more sensitive to the stimulating effects of illicit substances and, hence, are at a higher risk of getting addicted. Harboring a negative mindset can also make one more inclined to abuse drugs. This is because negative emotions like anger, tension, or sadness result in impulsive behavior with greater tendencies to be unreasonable in their attitude and behavior. Apart, heightened negative also results in increased proclivity to seek relief from drugs and alcohol as an easy outlet for pessimistic thoughts stored in the mind.
If you or a loved one seems to fall in the vulnerable zone discussed above, Mind Health Network can help you get in touch with one of the best alcohol addiction treatment centers. You can call at our 24/7 helpline number (866) 548-0190 for more information.