When the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, it caught people unawares upending their lives completely. The ensuing lockdowns, joblessness, isolation, health-scare, and numerous other challenges severely affected the emotional and mental well-being of many people around the world.
Countless deaths and impact on physical health of others due to the virus has brought the world to its knees. A major casualty is the debilitating effect of the pandemic on the mental health of people. Loss of loved ones, dealing with grief, isolation and financial insecurities due to job loss or business loss has exacerbated cases of depression, anxiety and stress among the masses.
It has created a new challenge for people already suffering from mental illness and substance use disorders. Research suggests that approximately four in 10 adults were found to report symptoms of anxiety or depression in the United States. 11 percent of the population reported thoughts of suicide and approximately 13 percent of adults reported substance abuse problems during the pandemic.
According to a new online survey, conducted by analytics firm “The Harris Poll” and commissioned by Alkermes Pharma, an Ireland-based biopharmaceutical company, approximately one in five Americans is consuming an excessive amount of alcohol, which can have adverse mental and physical effect. Around 17 percent of the participants reported heavy drinking in the past 30 days.
The online survey studied 6,006 United States adults ages 21 and older. They found 1,003 of the respondents were drinking heavily.
According to the United States dietary guidelines no more than one standard drink a day for women and two for men is recommended. Heavy drinking is defined as at least four drinks or more containing alcohol for women and five drinks or more containing alcohol for men twice in a week in previous 30 days.
The irony is, as revealed by statistics, approximately 90 percent of the people identified for substance abuse are not receiving treatment. On top of it, the social isolation during the pandemic has typically worsen alcohol and drug abuse.
There are numerous other studies that support this data. It has been observed that people in the U.S. are purchasing alcohol more frequently and its consumption has increased significantly during the pandemic.
A study, conducted by Rand Corp. evinced that consumption of alcohol has gone up by 14 percent during the pandemic and unexpectedly women are experiencing a surge in heavy drinking days by 41 percent.
A study conducted by the University of Arizona suggests that the reason for this surge in harmful alcohol abuse is loss of job during the first six months of the COVID-19 lockdown.
Dr. George Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism told U.S. Today that the increase in alcohol consumption is directly connected to an increase in stress level during the pandemic.
The earlier traumatic incidents such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina had also induced a surge in stress and anxiety among US citizens, which was directly proportional to the increase in substance abuse. With the ongoing pandemic situation, it is a prime concern whether the rise in substance abuse and alcohol use disorder will persist or it will come down. Multiple studies are being conducted to unravel this.
According to the new Harris Poll survey, the participants involved in heavy drinking have reported negative effects on psychosocial, physical and mental health.
The statistics related to this survey is not at all encouraging, showing varied impact of heavy drinking. As many as 23 percent of the participants reported cut on activities that were important or interesting to them in order to drink. Nearly one in five participants experienced withdrawal symptoms while trying to refrain from drinking. Approximately one in four individuals experienced memory loss due to heavy drinking, while three in 10 continued to drink despite experiencing depression.
The findings of the survey revealed that 50 percent of the participants were aware of treatment plans for alcohol and substance abuse. However, nearly 87 percent of them did not seek treatment knowingly at the time of survey. The rest of the participants who received support from family and friends, felt motivated to seek treatment. Almost four in five participants who were supported by their loved ones received treatment.
According to the institute on alcohol abuse guidelines, seven standard drinks for women and 14 standard drinks for men in a week should not be exceeded. A standard “drink” includes no more than hard seltzer with five percent alcohol, 5-ounce shot of 40% alcohol, 12 ounce beer, and 5-ounce glass of wine with 12% alcohol.
There are multiple side-effects of alcohol abuse such as heart disease, liver failure, depression, heart disease, stomach bleeding and multiple cancers. WHO says drinking alcohol weakens the immune system. Alcohol misuse causes body inflammation and interferes with body immunity making the body more susceptible to bacterial and viral infection. Therefore, during the COVID-19 pandemic, alcohol misuse has caused significant surge in Covid infection.
Find help
If you or a loved one is battling with alcohol use disorder or any mental health issues, do not keep suffering from it as there are numerous treatment options available. Mind Health Network is a leading name that provides a unique platform to connect patients with the best treatment centers in California. We understand your requirements and provide you the best information and treatment options. In case of alcohol abuse, we can connect you to relevant alcohol addiction treatment centers across California. To know more call us today at .