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Importance of practising forgiveness

There are times when we are so annoyed with somebody that we consider not to forgive that person forever.  We carry the burden of anger, resentment and bitterness in our lives hating people or a situation that happened in the past. While we may think we are right in carrying negative emotions with us, in reality, this pushes us into a negative cyclic thought process.

When we keep a grudge for anything, it leads to stress, anxiety and depression in the long run. It affects interpersonal relationship and hampers work-life, family life and social life of an individual. However, forgiveness is a very noble trait. It frees people from bondage of hatred and spiraling negative emotions. Forgiveness means to set oneself free from burden of resentment, anger and bitterness.

How to forgive someone?

  1. Put yourself aside and think of others

Whenever an unpleasant situation crops up we never blame ourselves. We always pass the buck and blame it on others. It has become a basic human instinct not to overcome our ego and mistake in the first place. But if we set aside our ego, love ourselves and become compassionate, we can surely forgive the other person. Forgiveness is not just beneficial for the other person but it is more beneficial for you, because it sets you free.

  1. Try to recognize and admit your fault

The best way to find out how someone has hurt you is to look in the mirror and evaluate your own mistakes and insults. We all make mistakes and also hurt someone in one way or the other. But, before pointing fingers at others we should at first look within and see if we are at fault. If yes, then we should admit it and not shy away from apologizing to the person whom we have inadvertently hurt.

We should also open our heart to forgive others, but we need to overcome our ego first. This practice heals scars forever. The more often we evaluate ourselves, the more careful we will be about others, because in the end we know what hurts.

  1. We should make constant effort to be lovable and compassionate with others. This helps us to receive and give forgiveness to others.

Impact of forgiveness

Forgiveness is a great healing practice that pacifies our innermost resentment and frees us from the clutch of past events. A 2017 study from the Annals of Behavioral Medicine highlighted the benefits associated with greater forgiveness. Forgiveness, the study said, reduced stress and ultimately improved the mental health of the respondents.

Another study found that “expressed” forgiveness is required for mental well-being. It reduces negative impacts, encourages positive emotional experiences, and forges positive relationships with others. It is evident that forgiveness and empathy leads to spiritual growth, help people find the meaning and purpose of life and gaining greater strength.

Lastly, forgiveness is a very sweet gesture, which results in well-being and relationship. It’s a gesture that reduces your stress in life.

Seek help from therapists

Though forgiveness is a beautiful practice, it can be overwhelming for many people. Negative emotions or emotional hurt can take a toll over your mind. If you are unable to overcome your negative emotions even after talking to your support network of family and friends, it is high time that you seek professional help. Stress, built over a period of time can snowball into complex mental health issues. So, get immediate help from experts in the field of mental health.

A therapist can help you understand and ease your emotional pain. If you or a loved one is grappling with any mental health issue, get in touch with Mind Health Network. You can call our 24/7 help at  to get more information about psychiatric centers near you. You can also chat with our admissions consultants to learn more about treatment plans and our network of mental health centers.


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