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Driven to distraction at work? This book offers the help you need

Most individuals are hard workers, working non-stop through the day and getting as much work done as possible. The problem arises when a person is distracted. Maybe they are sent a funny picture and end up falling into the never-ending rabbit hole of the internet. Maybe they are preoccupied by the sheer number of things they need to do and can’t focus. Maybe issues at home preoccupy their minds.

This doesn’t mean that they are bad workers or unmotivated, it just means that they are prone to distraction. Many workers are and it is understandable in the context of needing a few minutes for a mental break from the work pressure. However, when this distraction starts to interfere with a worker’s productivity, there is cause for issue. Distraction can frustrate a worker as it impedes their ability to get their work done well and in time. This affects their mood outside of the office too. In an effort to help distracted workers, Dr. Ned Hallowell has offered advice in his book, “Driven to Distraction at Work: How to Focus and Be More Productive.”

Empowering readers to combat distraction and achieve goals

Dr. Hallowell, a leading expert in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), focuses on helping readers feel more in control and productive while at work. In this book, he identifies the underlying reasons that cause people to lose their ability to focus at work and explains why common solutions such as “make a to-do list” really aren’t effective because they don’t address the true issues causing the distraction. With Hallowell’s years of experience, he is able to provide readers with practical and reliable techniques to help them learn how to sustain a productive mental state.

Dr. Hallowell divides his book into two main parts. The first part focuses on the six most common ways that people lose their ability to focus at work which he calls screen sucking, multitasking, idea hopping, worrying, playing the hero, and dropping the ball. In part one, he also explains the underlying psychological and emotional dynamics that drive each behavior. The second part of the book provides readers with advice to help them train their attention and make them less vulnerable to losing focus in any situation. These two parts of the book combine to empower readers to combat distractions and help them achieve their highest personal and professional goals.

Distraction should call for intervention

Getting distracted because of a loud noise, fluctuating light, an illness, some preoccupation at home, etc., is normal. However, getting distracted again and again could indicate something serious. Therefore, important to take this distraction seriously and investigate the underlying causes. Maybe, someone is struggling with a mental disorder like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) because of which every now and then they are compelled to perform some repetitive tasks. Or maybe someone is dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), experiencing frequent flashbacks, and thus, getting distracted. In such cases, it is important to seek professional help.

Seeking mental health recovery

A mental health disorder can affect anyone. It can be quiet overwhelming affecting the quality of life of not only the affected individual, but also the people around them. It is there therefore important that an individual seeks help at the earliest symptom manifestation. The first step is to visit a professional at a credential mental health recovery center. Getting the correct diagnosis at the right time can help in preventing the risk of worsening the condition and setting the person on the right track of treatment.

If you or a loved one is battling a mental health disorder and is looking for a licensed mental health treatment center, get in touch with Mind Health Network. We offer effective, research-backed mental health treatment plans that are customized to suit a patient’s treatment goals. For more information about how we can help you or a loved one overcome their disorder, call our 24/7 helpline and speak to a member of our team. You can also chat online to a representative to get a free insurance verification.


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