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Domestic Violence -Why Reaching Out Is Important

Domestic violence refers to the intentional use of emotional, physical, psychological, or sexual force by a family member, including the intimate partner, in an attempt to control the other. Domestic violence is one of most concerning public health concern and violations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly one in three (35 percent) women across the world are victims of physical and/or sexual violence from intimate partner or sexual violence from a non-partner in their lifetime.

Association between Drug use and Domestic Violence

Many previous researchers have linked domestic violence to drug addiction. A previous study reported that men indulging in substance use were more like to display sexual, physical, and psychological aggression, compared to men without any history of drug or alcohol use.

Researchers have cited frequent high occurrence of alcohol and other drug use among perpetrators of domestic abuse. Surprisingly, it was not just the perpetrators who were found under the influence of drugs and alcohol, but the victims of domestic violence were also found to be turning to alcohol and drugs to cope with the abuse. In addition, people addicted to drugs were reported to be vulnerable to abuse and exploitation by others.

The researchers highlighted the increased vulnerability of children to substance abuse and other risky behaviors, who were witness of substance abuse, domestic violence and/or mental illness and substance abuse while growing up. It does not matter if they were the direct victims of the abuser. They were more likely to develop substance abuse, mental health problems and other risky behaviors later in their lives, even if they were just the witnesses of such troubling behavior.

Dangerous Implications of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence has always been a subject of interest for law enforcers, NGOs and other bodies, which have been involved in identifying its causes and its implications warrant its elimination from the face of society.

It is important to seek help for victims of domestic violence as it is a debilitating experience for the victim. Some of the dangerous implications of domestic violence may include:

  • Domestic violence is linked to serious mental health problems, including phobias, depression, anxiety, suicide, post-traumatic stress disorder, and alcohol and drug use.
  • Partner abuse of pregnant women may lead to preterm deliveries of low-birth-weight babies.
  • Children witnessing domestic violence are vulnerable to lower intellectual functioning.
  • Family violence may put also children at higher risk of developing emotional problems and engaging in drug use later in life.

Treatment of batters and victims

More than punishment, batters need treatment, which may include rehabilitation, counseling and psychotherapy. Similarly, victims of domestic violence need to be carefully handled. The three areas that need to be addressed in victims of domestic violence are safety of the victim, assurance that he or she is believed, and identifying the best treatment or a combination of treatments that work for the victim.

Mind Health Network offers help to patients battling drug addiction problems. Patients and caregivers can call our 24/7 helpline (866) 548-0190 or join us over a chat session for help regarding outpatient drug abuse treatment centers.


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