Grab This

Celebrate these holidays without alcohol

The festive season is here and people are busy making plans to soak themselves in the celebrations. The holiday season is all about fun and frolic, excitement, family gatherings, and sumptuous delicacies and drinks. However, as an individual concerned with their health, one should be careful about what and how much they eat and drink, as it is easy to go overboard on both the counts, when in the festive mood.

There could be many reasons behind this, but the most prominent among them is the long list of party invitations. On the other hand, there are some for whom the festive period proves to be a time that is on the borderline of misery. Such people tend to find a solution in alcohol to quell their desolation. And if an individual indulges in excessive drinking, there are chances that they might fall in the trap of addiction or suffer a relapse. According to experts, during a festive period, watching everyone in a merry mood at a booze party can trigger alcohol-related problems that may have been lying dormant.

But this does not mean that people who do not take alcoholic beverages are not able to enjoy the festive period. They can also enjoy Christmas and the New year, however, with non-alcoholic drinks.

Holiday spirit recipes

There are ways people refraining from alcohol or undergoing alcohol addiction treatment can set the celebratory mood for themselves. If they want to enjoy drinks to celebrate, they don’t have to stop themselves. They just have to shake up some mocktails to keep the spirits high.

Here are the recipes for some great non-alcoholic drinks to make the holiday time joyous.

Cranberry apple cider punch

  • 4 cups apple cider
  • 2 cups cranberry juice cocktail
  • 2 cups ginger ale
  • 1 can (12 oz.) frozen orange juice concentrate
  • Apple and orange slices for garnishing

In a 4-quart container, combine cider, cranberry juice, and orange juice concentrate. Refrigerate until serving time. Just before serving, pour punch into a bowl and add chilled ginger ale. Garnish with frozen cranberries, apple, and orange slices.

Honey sage soda

  • 1-2 tbsp. honey sage simple syrup
  • A slice of lime
  • Ginger ale and ice cubes
  • Sage leaves for garnish

Combine honey sage simple syrup with lime and add ginger ale. Add ice and top with a sage leaf.

Blood orange Italian soda

Take a medium-sized sauce pan and add 1 cup each of sugar and water. Bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and add the juice of three blood oranges. Stir together to combine. (If you want a darker color, use food colorant). In a glass, add about half a cup Perrier, then about 2 tbsp. of the syrup and one-quarter cup coconut cream. Garnish with mint or basil and serve immediately.

Cranberry fizz mocktail

  • 3 ounces of sparkling cider or ginger ale
  • 3 ounces of crabapple juice
  • Splash of lemon or lime juice
  • 3 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

Rub a lemon or lime around the rim of your glass and then dip into the sugar/cinnamon mix. Fill the glass with ice. Add the crabapple juice. Add a splash of fresh juice of lemon or lime. Top off with sparkling cider or ginger ale.

Iced mint protein mochas

  • 1 cup chilled coffee
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 scoop chocolate Primal Fuel
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 5 drops of stevia (optional)
  • 5-6 mint leaves
  • Extra mint leaves to garnish
  • 1 cup of ice cubes

Mix all the ingredients (except garnishing mint leaves and ice cubes) in a blender. Make sure that there are no chunky mint leaves remaining. Put ice into two cups, pour mocha mixture into the cups, and garnish with mint leaves. The drink is ready.

Way forward

Abstaining from alcohol should not be a hindrance in letting you enjoy the holidays. However, if you or a loved one do take alcohol and tend to have too much of it, then you need to seek professional help.

Mind Health Network partners with mental health, addiction, and dual diagnosis patients to match them with the most suitable, balanced, and appropriate treatment experience based on their requirements and medical history. We work closely with our extensive network of addiction, mental health, and behavioral health care centers to ensure that the patient is able to overcome the disease afflicting them without losing themselves in the process. Call our 24/7 helpline or chat online with one of our experts to know more.


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