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Benefits of Family Treatment Programs

Mental health and addiction problems not only affect the individual, but take a mental toll over the entire family disturbing important dynamics. The family goes through the intense pain of seeing their loved ones battle a mental illness or an addiction. They are subjected to an unprecedented situation where they are not sure how to deal with the issue, how to help their loved ones, and what steps they need to take to build a supportive environment for their loved ones. Different members of the family might behave differently towards the affected individuals. Some might take responsibility, while others might back out, whereas some others may remain unresponsive.

In such a situation, Family Treatment Programs have proven to be a pioneer in treating mental health issues and addiction problems. In these programs, the entire family is counselled by experts so that the members are able to understand the underlying issue and form a supportive environment for the patient.

What Is Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a psychotherapy for the entire family, including the patient. It’s a talk therapy conducted by professional counselors and psychotherapists. The therapy focuses on:

  • developing coping skills for hard times
  • behavioral adaptation to cope and connect with the patient
  • strengthen relationships and
  • learning skills to understand the underlying disorder.

During family therapy, each member of family gets the opportunity to talk about their problems and ask for emotional support.

What Are The Goals Of Family Therapy?

There are two primary goals for family therapy. The first and foremost goal is to focus on giving the right kind of support to the affected family members. This is done through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It guides the family on behavioral patterns to be adopted during withdrawal symptoms, relapse, and when the patient achieves complete recovery. The second goal is to focus on and strengthen emotional well-being of the entire family. The goal for each family might differ and change over time as the treatment progresses.

What Are The Benefits Of Family Treatment Programs?

Research has shown that support and care from family plays an imperative role in revival from addiction and mental illness. There are numerous benefits to this kind of therapy, which include:

  • Motivating and encouraging your loved ones to recover
  • Diagnosing the impact of mental health and addiction on family members
  • Involving the family members in reviving their loved ones from addiction
  • Giving family members an opportunity to ask questions and express their emotional turmoil
  • Providing a supportive environment for patients to recover and heal
  • Reducing negative emotions such as fear, anger, confusion, and stress among family members
  • Enhancing the skills of family members to understand the victim and drive them towards their recovery
  • Strengthening family relationships and communication 

What Are The Approaches Used in Family Treatment Plan/ Family Therapy?

The most common approaches used in family therapy are psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), recreational activities, relaxation techniques, group therapy, motivation enhancement, etc.

The reason to opt for family therapy might differ for each family. Depending on the reason why a family is seeking help, (due to addiction, trauma, or mental illness), the approaches for family therapy can change.

For instance, in cases of dual diagnosis, where the victim is suffering from both a mental illness and an addiction, family therapy enables families to understand the condition of the victim. Further, it trains the family members to adopt supportive behavior to deal with the victim and encourage them to finish their recovery.

How We Can Help?

If you are battling trauma, mental health issues, or substance abuse seek help for yourself and your entire family. At Mind Health Network, we offer a wide array of family treatment programs in California including family counseling and family therapy. We focus on strengthening family relationships and 100 percent recovery. We also offer well-tailored programs for dual diagnosis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction treatment combined with intensive family program.

We offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment centers for you and your family. So to rebuild your family ties and relationships, call our 24/7 toll free number . You can also chat online with our representative to learn about our treatment programs and for further guidance.


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