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Benefits of different forms of therapy

For those struggling with a mental health disorder or trying to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction, some forms of therapy will almost always end up being part of their treatment program. Therapy is meant to help an individual deal with emotions, trauma, and problems in a safe and non-confrontational environment so that these issues do not continue to distress them later.

However, one type of therapy doesn’t always work for everyone. The field of therapy has continued to expand and evolve with time, adding to its realm, different forms of group, individual, and alternative therapies that a person may use to help them work through their issues.

The most well-known form of therapy is verbal therapy. This is the kind of therapy one would normally see in movies or on TV where a person goes to see a therapist and talks about their life and what is bothering them. This method is rooted in psychoanalysis and the goal is to help the client gain insight and relief by talking about their problems. This traditional form of therapy, created by Sigmund Freud, has helped influence other therapy approaches including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and group therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): Cognitive behavioral therapy tends to focus on the belief that irrational thinking or skewed perceptions cause dysfunctions. The cognitive behavioral therapist works with the patient to identify and change negative thought patterns and problematic behavior so that their thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors become productive and positive. This form of therapy works well in helping those with depression or anxiety.

Group therapy: Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy and includes two or more individuals who work with a trained therapist or counselor. Group therapy allows individuals to share their experiences with others, learn from the experiences of others, and offer advice based on their experiences. It is less expensive than individual therapy and also more effective. This form of therapy provides an environment in which people with a mental illness or addiction who previously felt isolated because of their problem can find support from others who have either dealt with or are dealing with the same issues. Such therapy sessions also provide a safe place for individuals to deal with their issues and practice new behaviors without the fear of being judged.

Solution-focused brief therapy: This form of therapy is based on the idea that a person has the skills needed to change their lives and needs help identifying and strengthening those skills. SFBT focuses on finding solutions rather than focusing on the symptoms a person is dealing with. The goal of such a therapy is to focus on a view of the future that the client hopes to achieve and to create a series of steps that will help them achieve it.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR): This therapy is an intensive form of psychotherapy meant to help a person deal with and process trauma and is very effective in helping those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). EMDR focuses on identifying and processing negative or traumatic memories which may be causing a patient problems. When accessing these memories, the client focuses on an external stimulus such as eye movement, taps, or tones which can help form new insights and emotions. EMDR is based on two main ideas, the first being that eye movements improve the efficiency of therapeutic treatment by creating psychological and neurological transformations, and the second that eye movement is a physiological form of internal desensitization.

Expressive arts therapies: Expressive arts therapy is all about expressing oneself thorough a medium of art. This kind of therapy may encourage a patient to choose from multiple methods of expression like drama, music, writing, dance, movement, and/or painting (art). These forms of therapy can be used along with traditional verbal therapy or it can be used independently. It allows the patient to explore their responses to pictures, sounds, and new forms of expression so that they can find different ways to describe and express what they are dealing with which may not have been available to them in words beforehand. Expressive arts therapy focuses on the areas of expression, imagination, active participation, and mind-body connection to provide the client with new ways to find meaning, clarity, and healing.

Family therapy: For some people, this may be one of the hardest forms of therapy to endure. Family therapy focuses on helping family members improve communication and resolve conflicts which may act as triggers for an issue or are caused by an issue. Additionally, it can help family members understand the struggles of a loved one with a mental disorder or resolve issues arising from a loved one who struggles with an addiction. In most cases, this will not only improve communication and work to resolve these problems but will also help family members set the necessary boundaries and support systems beneficial for all parties.

Treatment for mental health and addiction

There are multiple other forms of therapy that are available to the individual, many of which can help with a specific issue. Therapy is a helpful and oftentimes necessary part of treatment for those trying to overcome an addiction or deal with a mental or behavioral health disorder. Knowing about the different forms of therapy and how they can benefit you can be a useful tool in knowing where to start looking for therapeutic help.

If you or a loved one is looking for some reliable mental health and addiction treatment, get in touch with the Mind Health Network. Our team of experts will offer you all the required assistance to connect with the most suitable inpatient mental health treatment center. You can also call our 24/7 treatment helpline (866) 548–0190 or chat online with our counselor for more information about the various residential mental health facilities offered in our partner network.


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