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Addiction and the Absence of Presence

We, the human beings, like to live in the present. Our time, our work, and our presence – all are bound in the span between the sunrise and sunset. But unfortunately, it is true only for normal human beings as there are some who fail to acknowledge this concept of time, referred to as the past, the present, and the future. Because, they have their own boundaries, their own time frames, and their own world. In simple words, they are ‘absent’ from what we call ‘present’ as they might still be living in their past or in a time that doesn’t exist at all. This absent or ignorant state of mind may be an outcome of a mental health problem, some trauma, or chemical dependence resulting from alcohol or drug addiction.

Role of Drugs and Alcohol in Causing “The Absence Of Presence”

Prolonged alcohol and drug use to cope with things going on in the “now” tend to remove us from that real present moment. People in a state of intoxication or under the influence of a mind-altering substance have a tendency to cheat, lie, steal, fight, and/or get anxious, manic, depressed, or psychotic.

Experts suggest that persistent substance use, addiction and chemical dependence compromise one’s ability to live in the present moment. Addiction deprives people of the sense to differentiate between the real and virtual world, as they are trapped in a vicious cycle of craving, intoxication, withdrawal, emotional dysregulation, and the inability to abstain for the most part. 

The Good News: This State of ‘Absence’ is Reversible

It has been found that one can break this vicious cycle of absent mindedness or hallucination if the individual battling substance abuse manages to observe abstinence. It allows the person to think clear and lucid. The mind has an inherent tendency to take us back, and recall what might have happened in a state intoxication and have become a part of the past. However, overcoming chemical dependence in a difficult process that requires immense hard work, discipline and willpower to live and enjoy life.

Efficacy of Behavioral Therapies to Treat Drug Addiction

Behavioral therapies aim at helping patients:

  • Increase healthy life skills
  • Persist with other forms of treatment, such as medication
  • Modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug use

Various approaches in different setting can be used to treat drug use and addiction symptoms:

Outpatient Behavioral Treatment: These programs typically offer forms of behavioral therapy such as: cognitive-behavioral therapy, multidimensional family therapy and motivational interviewing among others on day to day basis

Inpatient or residential treatment: This type of setting is very effective for those with more severe problems (including co-occurring disorders). Licensed residential treatment facilities offer 24-hour structured and intensive care, including safe housing and medical attention.

For more information on treatment of drug use, you can call 24/7 helpline (866) 548-0190.  Alternatively, you can chat online with our admission counselor to know more about it.


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